
Difference between open and closed system in thermodynamics

The thermodynamic system can be classifier in three ways open systems, closed systems, and isolated system. The main difference between open and closed system is that the matter can be exchanged with the surrounding in case of an open system, whereas matter cannot be exchanged with the surrounding in the closed system. Now let us check out some more difference between them in details below to know more about it.  What is an open system? The thermodynamic system where energy and matter can be exchanged with its surrounding.  What is a closed system? The thermodynamic system where only energy can be exchanged with its surrounding.  Difference between open and closed system: Mass of the system will change with time in an open system, whereas it is constant in case of a closed system.  An open system has boundaries which are not closed, and boundaries are completely closed in a closed system.  In an open system, difficult to control energy flow and other pa

Thermodynamic system | Types

What is a thermodynamic system? A thermodynamic system can be defined as a body of matter or radiation, bounded in space by walls, with defined permeabilities, which separates it from its surroundings. The surroundings may include other thermodynamic systems or physical systems that are not a thermodynamic system. You may arise question what is surroundings? The thermodynamic system has its boundaries, and anything outside the boundaries is called surroundings.  Thermodynamic system and types Types of the thermodynamic system: The thermodynamic system can be classified into three types such as a closed system, open system, an isolated system. There is a minor difference between an open and closed system . Let us discuss that in details one by one.  What is a closed system? A closed system is a physical system whose boundaries are determined by the space of the working substance occupied in it. This system does not allow certain types of transfers, through the

Thermodynamics | Introduction

What is thermodynamics? Thermo means Energy and Dynamics means Pattern of Change In a basic and simple word, thermodynamics is the study of changes in energy associated with physical and chemical reaction. In another word, thermodynamics is the study of the effect of work, heat and energy on a system.  If the changes in energy are studied from a chemistry point of view, then it is called chemical thermodynamics.  The study of changes in energy and chemical reaction is based on the basis of a principle called as laws of thermodynamics that we discussed in brief. These are known as the Zeroth, First, Second and Third law of thermodynamics. 

What is Speed? | What is Velocity? | What is Acceleration & Retardation?

What is speed? Speed is the rate of change of displacement with respect to its surrounding. It is a scalar quantity as the speed of the body is irrespective of its direction. SI Unit: m/s  Symbol: S What is the velocity? The rate of change of displacement with respect to its surrounding is called velocity, in a particular direction. It is a vector quantity as the velocity is always expressed in a particular direction.  Formula: v = S / t  Symbol: v = Velocity, S = Speed, t = Time Unit: m/s What are the acceleration and retardation? The rate of change of velocity of the body is called acceleration. It is positive when the velocity of a body increases with time and negative when the velocity of a body decreases with time. The negative acceleration is called retardation.  Formula: a = v / t  Symbol: a =  Acceleration, v = velocity, t = time Unit: m/s 2

Lami's Theorem | Principle | Formula

The theorem of Lami is related to the system of forces such as the magnitude of three coplanar, concurrent and non-colinear forces which keep a body in static equilibrium.  Lami's Theorem Lami's theorem statement: Lami's theorem states that if three concurrent, coplanar, or non-colinear forces acting at a point which is in equilibrium, then each force is proportional to the sine angle between  the other two forces.  Now we consider the three forces A, B and C acting on a rigid body or particle and all forces making respective angles  α,  β  and γ with each other  as we have shown in the above figure. Now we can represent the Lami's theorem in mathematically : A / sin α    = C / sinγ  = B / sinβ

Newton's laws of motion

Newton's laws of motion-related with the motion of an object to the force acting on it. There are three laws of newton are together laid the foundation for classical mechanics. They all describe the relationship between the body and the force acting upon the body. Let us check it out one by one below.  Newton's first law of motion:  The first law of Newton states that an object continues to remain in the state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. It is because of inertia, that object will remain in their state of motion unless a force acts to change the motion.  Example: Wearing a seat belt while driving a car. If any accident occurs, or if brakes are applied to the car suddenly, the body will tend to continue its inertia and move forward.  Newton's second law of motion:  The second law of Newton states that the rate of change of momentum or acceleration of a system is directly proportional to and

Free body diagram | Feature | Purpose

What is a free body diagram? In mechanics, a graphical, dematerialized, or symbolic representation used to visualize the applied forces, moments, and resulting reactions on a body in a given condition is called a free body diagram. A free body diagram used to draw a scaled drawing. It is a diagram that is modified as it solves the problem. There are flexibility and art to the process. The iconography of a free body diagram, not only how it is drawn but also how it is interpreted and depends upon how a body is modeled.  Features of free body diagram: The free-body diagram consists of the following. A coordinate system A simplified version of a body Force was shown as straight arrows pointing in the direction they act on the body The moment was shown as curved arrows pointing in the direction they act on the body In order to effectively use a free body diagram to analyze the motion of the body, you must know four skills.  Identify the force acting on the