
Isentropic process | Constant entropy process

What is isentropic process? In thermodynamic process, an isentropic process is an idealized process that is both adiabatic and reversible. Isentropic is the process in which the entropy is constant so it is also called constant entropy process. Thus, ∆S = 0 .  Example of the isentropic process: Pump, Gas compressor, Turbine, Nozzles, Diffusers are some example and follows the isentropic process of thermodynamics.  Theoretical explanation: According to first law of thermodynamics,  H = U + P V d H = d Q + V d P   OR   d H = T d S + V d P In this equation, V d P is a flow process work. Where d P is a change in pressure.  Now, at constant entropy, the enthalpy change equals to the isentropic process.  Thus, d Q = 0.    So, d H = V d P  Therefore, W = H2 - H1 = Cp ( T2 - T1) 

Difference between adiabatic and isothermal process

In the subject thermodynamics, there are two often discussed concepts that are mostly used in many industrial practical applications. These concepts are the adiabatic and isothermal processes. Both of these processes are opposite sides of the coin. Before we start our discussion on the difference between them. First of all, we must know what is the adiabatic process? and what is the isothermal process? What is the adiabatic process? A process without transfer of heat or mass between a thermodynamic system and surroundings.  An adiabatic process, in which the working substance neither receives nor given out heat or mass to the surroundings, during the expansion or compression is called an adiabatic process. What is the isothermal process? The process in which the temperature of the working substance remains constant during its expansion or compression is called isothermal or constant-temperature process. Difference between adiabatic and isothermal process: ...

Adiabatic process | Adiabatic process equation

A process without transfer of heat or mass between a thermodynamic system and surroundings. Thus, Q = 0 is called the adiabatic process and such a system is said to be an adiabatically isolated system. Unlike an isothermal process, an adiabatic process transfer energy to the surrounding called work done.  What is the adiabatic process? An adiabatic process, in which the working substance neither receives nor given out heat or mass to the surroundings, during the expansion or compression is called an adiabatic process. In the adiabatic process following point is important.  No heat leaves or enters the gas The internal energy of the gas changes is equal to the work done. The temperature of the gas changes equal to the work done.  Now, let us check what is an adiabatic expansion and adiabatic compression process? What is adiabatic expansion? The process when an ideal behaviour for a closed system, in which the pressure remains constant and temperat...

Constant temperature process | Isothermal process

A constant temperature process is also called isothermal process is one type of thermodynamic process during the temperature is constant. The term isothermal is derived from the Greek word 'ISO' means constant or equal and "THERM' means temperature.  What is the constant temperature isothermal process? The process in which the temperature of the working substance remains constant during its expansion or compression is called isothermal or constant-temperature process. This will happens under isothermal conditions such as melting or evaporation these two are phase changes isothermal processes. The working substance remains in perfect thermal contact with the surroundings so that the heat sucked in or squeezed out is compensated exactly for the mechanical work done by or on the gas respectively. So, it is obvious that in an isothermal process two things happen which are noted below.  There is no change in temperature There is no change in internal ene...

Constant pressure process | Isobaric process

A constant pressure process is also called the isobaric process is one type of  thermodynamic process  during the pressure stays constant. The term isochoric is derived from the Greek word 'ISO' means constant or equal and 'BAR' means pressure.  What is the constant pressure isobaric process? When the gas is heated at constant pressure, it raises its temperature and volume. Since there is a change in its volume the heat supplied is utilized in increasing the internal energy and also doing some external work. This process is governed by Charle's Law.  Thus, Isochoric process is one in which  ∆P =  0  Example of Isobaric process:  The heating of water in an open vessel and the expansion of a gas in a cylinder with a freely moving piston is an example of this process.   Theoretical explanation: PV diagram for an Isobaric process Now, from the above figure m kg of gas is he...

Constant volume process | Isochoric process

A constant volume process is also called the isochoric process, an isovolumetric process is one type of thermodynamic process during the volume of a closed system is constant. The term isochoric is derived from the Greek word 'ISO' means constant or equal and 'CHORIC' means space or volume.  What is the constant volume isochoric process? When the gas is heated at constant volume, its pressure and temperature will increase. Since we take volume constant no change in volume, thus no external work is done by the gas. All the heat supplied is stored in the body of gas in the form of internal energy. This process is governed by Gay-Lussac Law.  Thus, Isochoric process is one in which  V f = V i (  ∆V =  0 dv = 0) Example of Isochoric process:  The gas is heated in a closed cylinder is an example of the isochoric process.  Theoretical explanation: PV diagram for an isochoric process Now, f...

Thermodynamic processes of perfect gases | Types

The heating and cooling process of a gas is defined as a thermodynamic process of a perfect gas. During the thermodynamic process, change takes place in different properties of the gas such as pressure, temperature, volume, specific enthalpy, specific energy etc. Now let us discuss the types of thermodynamic process of perfect gases in this article.  List of thermodynamic process:  Constant volume process OR Isochoric process Constant pressure process OR Isobaric process Constant temperature process OR Isothermal process Adiabatic process    Constant entropy process OR Isentropic process Polytropic process Hyperbolic process Free expansion process Throttling process